About Us


Board of Directors

President - Jason Young

Vice President - Kris Runner

Treasure - Scott Stugart

Secretary - Jay Rhoads

Player Agent - Justin Belles & Bobby Petrosky

Safety Officer - Ernie Naugle

VP of Softball - Greg Hennigan

VP of Majors Baseball - Eric Gerber

VP of Minors Baseball - Jameson Keeler

VP of Coach Pitch - Jon Thompson

VP of Tee Ball - Diane Franzen

Equipment Manager - Jason Lewis

Uniforms Manager- Carlie Gerber

Concession Manager - Sara Engel

Umpire in Chief - Justing Belles

Field Maintenance - Mike Morrison

Fundraising Coordinator - Chloe Smith

Technology Director - Eric Gerber & Diane Franzen

Board Meeting Dates, Times, & Location

South Little League Board meetings take place the 2nd Sunday of every month.  They are held at Messiah Lutheran, starting at 6 pm.  If you have any other questions, please contact a board member for more information.